The Lending Collection

Children’s book collection: Thanks to a Rural Libraries grant from the Children’s Literacy Foundation, we added several new titles to our graphic novel, picture book, and board book collections this fall.

Adult book collection: Our adult book collection includes some rare and old classics as well as new titles. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biography, travel, there is something for everyone here. We have a strong Vermont Collection, where you can find history, genealogy, war rosters, maps, contemporary essays, and all of the Craftsbury Academy yearbooks.

Periodicals: We have several periodicals available for checkout, including the Smithsonian, Hazen Road Dispatch, National Geographic, Ranger Rick, Vermont Magazine and Sports Illustrated.

Games: Miss Jean, our library’s founder, loved games! While there are some games available to play only when you visit the library (ping pong, mini pool, skittles) some of the more portable library games are available for checkout.

Costumes: In the past, there was a lending collection of costumes available for the community to borrow for theater or school purposes. We are working on reestablishing this collection in 2022.